VET AntiVirus and Netcomm Modems.

Popular AntiVirus software "VET NetSurfer" is now available at the discounted price of $99 including GST from Albury Local Internets office at 326 Griffith Road, Lavington.

This software is exceptionally easy to use, includes 12 months free upgrades and works for all versions of microsoft Windows including windows XP.

Also available at our office are high quality super-fast 56K modems. The Netcomm Roadster-II serial modem has proven to be the most reliable modem we have ever found and with a warranty of up to 3 years, even the manufacturer is "putting their money where their mouth is". These modems are normally $229.00, but if you come into our office and mention this news article you will receive the special price of only $199 including GST.

(Published on 27-Mar-2002 09:37 by RossW, read 16 times)
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