ORBZ is dead.

We recently announced the implementation of ORBZ for spam reduction (original article here) however today, without notice, the orbz project has been shut down.

In an e-mail sent by orbz administrator this morning, Ian Gulliver says:

"As of this moment, ORBZ is shutting down. DNS zones are going to stop resolving, the website will disappear and mail will stop working"

"I received an official court notice this afternoon to turn over all information relation to ORBZ accounts.
This came from the 10th Judicial District court of the State of Michigan. It appears that ORBZ may be facing
criminal charges for denial of service relating to the Lotus Domino issue."

Albury Local Internet is actively seeking an alternative RBL to assist in the fight against spam. In the meantime, expect an increase in the amount of spam you receive. Sorry folks!

(Published on 20-Mar-2002 16:22 by RossW, read 14 times)
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