Secret papers reveal Telstra faults

Leaked internal Telstra documents, made public by Labor in parliament today, warn that faults on the telco's fixed line phone network have surged in metropolitan and regional areas to a six-year high.

The documents, dated December 2003, blame the rise on general network deterioration because of a lack of rehabilitation work, and warn things will only get worse unless enough money is thrown at fixing the problems.

Telstra says it has set aside $20 million to fix faults in its network.

Does anyone else find it hard to swallow that the telco which has been reporting multi-BILLION dollar profits for the last few years, has been unable to find less than one percent of this to properly "maintain" its network?

The full article is here, but incase it disappears quickly, I have a local copy of the text just in case.

(Published on 10-Mar-2004 20:25 by RossW, read 16 times)
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