We're Hiring
P O S I T I O N . A V A I L A B L E
Albury Local Internet have a position available for a Technical/Support person at our Griffith Road store.
The right person must have at least the following:
- Internet familiarity and experience
- web and email a minimum
- Computer experience - especially installation of software under Win '95/Win '98
- A responsible attitude and outlook
- A willingness to approach and talk to customers with reasonable verbal communications skills
- A pleasant, patient and personable nature
- Own transport essential
- Formal qualifications unnecessary but a desire to learn and extend skills and knowledge base is essential.
Higher consideration would be given to applicants who also possess the following:
- Familiarity with communications especially modems
- The ability to take the initiative and work unsupervised at a high level of competency, while at the same time being able to work as part of a team
- Some experience with NT and MacOS considered a plus.
Duties will include installation of software and occasionally hardware on customers machines under all manner of operating systems; help desk telephone support; problem troubleshooting.
Overtime or out-of-hours work may be available. Salary is negotiable dependant on experience and aptitude.
Apply in person to Management at:
Albury Local Internet Pty Ltd,
Shop 2, 326 Griffith Road Lavington, NSW 2641;
Phone: 02 6040 2692; Fax: 02 6025 7144