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Gold Fossicking


0357 282 541


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The Stagecoach can be found at the Post Office Corner on most days, but can be booked on 0357 282 541



This is the ideal outing for a school or young group.

The resident guide will explain the various stages of preparing one of the beautiful Clydesdales to pull a wagon. The steps involve the correct shoeing, correct harnessing, preparing the horses tail, tent erecting, wagon preparation, stockwhip demonstration and of course the art of cooking damper.


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In the above photo's you can see the two gloved and aproned blacksmiths on the left, one is pumping the bellows so fast the flames and sparks are shooting straight up the chimney, whilst the blacksmith in the blue hat is holding her metal rod in the flames. In the centre photo the blue hatted blacksmith is shaping the metal rod by hammering the red hot rod against the anvil, creating a bend in the rod. In the photo on the right the two schoolgirls are turning a handle to aerate the flames, and holding the metal rod in the charcoal until it becomes red hot.


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The erection of a crude tent and the preparation of the wagon take the schoolchildren some time in careful planning. The saddling and harnessing of the the two barrel horses takes a lot more time than at first thought.


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The art of the stockwhip seems very easy, but becomes another thing when the children try for themselves. However, after watching the damper be mixed and placed on the ashes, there is no shortage of takers to help eat the finished product.


This outing takes about 3 hours to complete, and is ideal for school groups. Bookings may be made on the following phone number 0357 282 541, or write to

Beechworth Stage Coaches

Pennyweight Lane

Beechworth, 3747





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